If your Blackberry cell phone has slowed down or if any of the applications are not working correctly, you should find out how to clear your Blackberry log.
It is a good idea to do this regularly as it keeps your phone running smoothly and helps you to troubleshoot any problems.
Your Blackberry log is where all the cell phones recently run events, processes and systems are listed and stored. This log can be important if you are trying to trouble shoot a particular problem on your Blackberry cell phone.
Why should you clear the log?
This log can become very long and will eventually take up quite a bit of your cell phones memory. This can slow down your Blackberry cell phone in general or it can cause problems with the working of specific applications or programs.
It is a good idea to clear it regularly to make sure that your Blackberry cell phone functions at its very best at all times.
If you leave it too long to clear your log you may find that your Blackberry cell phone becomes so slow and has so many problems that just opening an email or sms can take forever. If you forget to clear your log regularly, set a reminder on your cell phone to do it once a week, depending on how much you use your cell phone.
It is essential to the functioning and processing abilities of your Blackberry cell phone that you clear the log regularly to avoid or even fix any problems.
How to clear your BlackBerry log
Clearing your Blackberry events log is very simple and should not take more than a minute.
Go to the home screen of your cell phone. You can do this by exiting out of any program or application you may be in or simply pushing the red ‘end call’ button on the top right of your Blackberry keypad.
Once you are at your home screen, hold down the ALT button (you can find this near the bottom on the left of your keypad) and then push the letter keys LGLG one after the other (while you continue to hold down the ALT button).
Your events log will then pop up on your home screen. Once you see it, you can then press the blackberry button (the one on the right of the roller pad in the middle at the top of your keypad) and a menu bar will pop up.
One of the options on this menu bar will be ‘clear log’. Select this option and press the centre roller pad key at the top of your Blackberry keypad. Your events logs will then be cleared, the memory freed up and you should find that your cell phone works better and faster than before.
There will, however, usually be two events that do not delete. Do not worry about these as they are perfectly normal.
What else can your Blackberry log tell you?
Your Blackberry log will also be able to help you to trouble shoot a particular problem that your Blackberry cell phone might be having.
Access the events log as described above and then simply read through the events to find the problem area. You can show this event log to a cell phone repair expert if your phone keeps giving you trouble in one specific area.
You can also tailor your cell phone settings to only log certain events and programs. You can do this by accessing the events log and then pushing the Blackberry menu key (on the right of the roller pad key at the top of the keypad) and then choosing the relevant option from the menu bar that will pop up.
You can also copy information out of the events log by using the copy and paste function.